Offering expert advice to find the right ‘Buy to Let’
Whilst the rules and regulations for property landlords are always evolving, you will be pleased to know that there continues to be numerous products available to suit all types of property investors.
Whether you are looking to let out your current home to enable you to buy a new one (called Let To Buy), or perhaps purchase your first or a further investment property to let out (called Buy To Let), or maybe you just want to buy a property for a family member to live in (called Regulated Buy To Let), as experienced mortgage brokers, we will find you the best value mortgage to suit your requirements.
To discuss your requirements please don’t hesitate to call us on: 07834 882 006 or simply send us a message and we will get back to you at the earliest opportunity.
“I’ve never used a broker before, but approached Walker Beckett due to some special circumstances with my house purchase. Steve was extremely friendly and helpful and as a result he helped me to gain a better mortgage than I could have gotten elsewhere. He was always on hand to offer advice which is vital as house buying always throws up issues. I’m really glad that I approached Steve and got a better outcome as a result“
Customer Feedback from Andrew of Retford, Aug 2021